I-PICTL2023 Putra InnoCreative Awards


Open for UPM Academic Staff

Transformation of teaching methods either in the form of interactive lectures or without lectures. This category focuses on teaching methods aimed at increasing student engagement and achievement in their learning experience.

"Virtual Immersive Learning Experience" refers to learning activity with >80% student learning time (SLT) conducted virtually.

Virtual approaches or applications that are able to provide an immersive learning experience with positive impacts on students' learning experience and achievement. Examples: VR/AR/Virtual Simulation/ MOOCs/LMS/e-SULAM

"Blended Immersive Learning Experience" refers to learning activities with 30% to 80% student learning time (SLT) conducted virtually.

Blended immersive learning experience combines online and face-to-face learning to provide a profound impact on students' learning experiences and achievement.
Example: Blended Learning/Flipped Classroom.

Face-to-face Immersive Learning Experience refers to learning activity with >70% student learning time (SLT) conducted via face-to-face learning session.

Immersive learning model / approach through face-to-face activities that have a positive impact on students' learning experiences and achievement. Examples: SULAM, Community-based Learning, Challenge-based Learning, Work-based Learning, Problem-based Learning.

Alternative Assessment refers to unconventional assessment methods such as pencil and paper. These methods may include summative, formative, authentic or other assessment methods that successfully transform students' learning experiences, particularly the achievement of learning outcomes.